About Us

Pobedov is a Ukrainian brand of stylish men's clothing for every day.

We are an in-house brand that has been creating high-quality and modern products for people all over Ukraine for 9 years. The message of the brand is the diversity of the personality, which is manifested in his actions, achievements, capabilities, clothes, but despite everything, everyone chooses Pobedov.
Pobedov - you are different. It's no secret that a clothing brand is not only about stores (sales), but also about the people who create products, from sketching and production to presenting the goods to the buyer and selling them directly. It is a large team of like-minded people working for your comfort. Pobedov today is more than 100 people in online stores, office and production. Together, we are doing a common cause. We are all united by our belief in thoughtful design, the ability to create things that are not mass market, in order to control the quality of each product and thus “extend its life”.

Our advantages as an online store:

LOW PRICES Buying Pobedov brand clothing directly from us, the clothing manufacturer, is a guarantee of a price without extra charges.

ACCURACY OF THE ASSORTMENT All products presented on the site are in stock and have current prices.

FASHIONABLE CLOTHES FOR EVERY SEASON The brand's collections are updated monthly, our designers take into account modern trends.

QUALITY GUARANTEE We are clothing manufacturers and maintain quality control of each item. Goods that have not passed the quality selection are not allowed for sale.

HELP IN SELECTING GOODS We try to provide detailed photos of all types of clothing from different angles, detailed descriptions of products, reviews of real customers. Also, there is an opportunity to get advice from managers, size tables.

Legal address:

15A Nemchenka Oleksandra St.
Apartment 13
Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia region, 21000


This store is integrated with the Western Bid™ e-commerce platform, and Western Bid, Inc. is the Merchant of Record for all purchases made in this store. Therefore, you will see "WESTERN BID" listed as the payee on your PayPal account and credit card statement.